No.96-1 Qixin Road, Dongchong Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 511453, China
Gate types
The two main gate systems are manually trimmed gates and automatically trimmed gates. The following examples show where they are used:
1. Sprue gate: Used for large components, the gate mark is visible in component and no runner is required. e.g.: bucket molding (backside cylindrical gate mark visible and can be felt).
2. Edge gate: Most suitable for square, rectangular components
3. Ring gate: Most suitable for cylindrical components to eliminate weld line defect
4. Diaphragm gate: Most suitable for hollow, cylindrical components
5. Tab gate: Most suitable for solid, thick components
6. Submarine gate: Used when auto de-gating is required to reduce cycle time
7. Reverse taper sprue gate (Pin gate): Generally used in three plate molds.
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